Aurivo Regional Supplier Meeting
Aurivo are hosting a supplier meeting on Tuesday 28th November 2023 at the Ard Rí House Hotel at 7.30pm.
We are pleased to announce that The Land Mobility Service will be in attendance on the day to share our knowledge and expertise.
Come and speak with our dedicated and proactive Team.
The meeting format will be made up of four main speakers, which should take just over an hour.
The speakers are as follows:
• Jonathan Clarke, Aurivo on dairy markets
• George Ramsbottom, Teagasc on Signpost climate action programme
• Bord Bia on SDAS (Sustainable Dairy Assurance Scheme)
• Grassland Agro on fertiliser register and allowances for next year
After the meeting there will be tea/coffee and 15 or so trade stands around the room for you to chat to and engage with.
See you at 7.30pm on Tuesday 28th November 2023.