Aurivo hosting Regional Supplier Meetings


Aurivo are hosting supplier meetings on Tuesday 28th November 2023 and on Wednesday 29th November 2023.

These meetings will take place at the following locations:

  • Tuesday 28th November: Sligo Park Hotel, Pearse Rd, Cornageeha, Co. Sligo at 11am
  • Tuesday 28th November: Ard Rí House Hotel, Milltown Road, Tuam, Co. Galway at 7.30pm
  • *Wednesday 29th November: The Clanree Hotel, Derry Road, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal at 7:30pm –  *See additional information below

We are pleased to announce that The Land Mobility Service will be in attendance at each meeting to share our knowledge and expertise.

*On Wednesday 29th November, our dedicated and proactive facilitator Mícheál Larkin will be at The Clanree Hotel from 5pm.

If you would like to avail of a free and private consultation, please book a slot by contacting Mícheál on 086 0404002.

The meeting format will be made up of four main speakers, which should take just over an hour.

The speakers are as follows:
• Jonathan Clarke, Aurivo on dairy markets
• George Ramsbottom, Teagasc on Signpost climate action programme
Bord Bia on SDAS (Sustainable Dairy Assurance Scheme)
Grassland Agro on fertiliser register and allowances for next year

After the meeting there will be tea & coffee and 15 or so trade stands around the room for you to chat to and engage with.

See you there!



What are my Land Mobility Options?

The Land Mobility Service

The Irish Farm Centre
Bluebell, Dublin 12
Eircode: D12 YXW5


This website and any publications contained within is an information guide and is based on our understanding of current regulation and practice (April 2023).

Should you wish to pursue any of the suggestions outlined we recommend that you contact us for further information and consult with your professional advisers.

While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy the authors or publishers accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions, nor for the consequence of any action taken on the basis of the information included in this website.

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