Creating Time for Family by Stepping Back

Creating Time for Family by Stepping Back

With no farming successor and having come to a stage where they wanted to take a step back from farming, Monaghan husband-and-wife team Vincent and Mary McCarvil felt it was time they weighed up what options were available to them.

The McCarvil farm goes back multi- generations, like so many Irish family farms. This means a strong attachment with wonderful memories so selling was never a consideration.

Vincent and Mary operated the farm together running dairy and beef with Vincent also working off farm. They had reached the point where they wanted more time for themselves and their grandchildren.

Options were explored with Patrick Brady of The Land Mobility Service. They had heard about the Service through Lakeland Dairies. Having decided upon leasing Patrick went through the whole process with them and what needed to be considered. Farm care and management were important considerations. With the help of Patrick two local farmers were identified, as it turned out a split lease is what suited the farm and all parties best.