Opportunities for Young Farmers

Opportunities for Young Farmers

Thomas and Aoife O’Reilly are dairy farmers in Granard, Adare, Co Limerick on a long-term lease. Thomas comes from a dairy farm in Co Cavan and has always been interested in farming.
Following the completion of a Dairy Business course, through Teagasc Ballyhaise and Dundalk IT, Thomas traveled the world and gained vast experience working on dairy farms in England, New Zealand, and Saudi Arabia.

After a number of years abroad and with desire to run his own farm in Ireland, Thomas spotted an opportunity to lease a dairy farm through The Land Mobility Service. Following a viewing, this farm had the scale and potential that Thomas wanted. Thomas’s prior experience managing farms combined with the fact he had built up equity and had support from family were vital in the owner’s decision to shortlist him to the point of developing a business proposal, and outline of his vision to the owner. This plan including on farm capital investment, stock purchase and enabling the owner to have a contracting role attached to the farm ticked the owners’ boxes. A more detailed plan and a lease arrangement was facilitated by the Service.

Thomas is now running a spring calving herd and aims to expand to over 200 cows in the coming years. To reduce his fertiliser bills and make the farm more sustainable Thomas is in the process of reseeding the entire grazing block. He is sowing clover and mixed species.

The Land Mobility Team has always been on hand to assist Thomas with any queries.